
Transform your life to an amazing level with

A MIndset Coach

  • For Business
  • For Relationships
  • For Healthy Lifestyle

Aleksey Burdeiko 

is EXPERIENCED transformational COACH

ready to assist you to go step by step to your goals


I am a co-author of lifeartacademy.org idea (educational project on principles of creating happy relationships), the author of an effective technique for deep personality transformation

Also I am a lecturer and mindset coach who helps to change connections with partner, family, society, or yourself and to achieve a new level of results and quality of life, to get inner peace, security feeling and happiness.


My story is the story of not only takeoffs but also many years of mistakes and study, like many of you. Inspired by outstanding people - my heritage, parents, my lovely wife Marija, Sadhguru, Dimantra, Mooji, Bill Campbell, Tony Robbins, Ajit Nawalkha, Rich Litvin, Michael Neill, Alexander Savkin, Radislav GandapasRichard Branson, Jack Ma, Ricardo SemlerBrian Tracy and many others. And I have a special teacher, Alexander - my son, born in 2017, who creates challenges and tests achievements for strength every single day.

(All rights to photos belongs to owners of that.)


It was this experience that prompted me to grow and grow so much that people themselves began to turn to me for helpThis led me to highly effective, professional work with people. 

I am constantly engaged in self-development, practice meditation, chigun, tai chi, and purification rituals. Strive for inner light and purity. I am Godfather of four children, and also for a long time had the great fortune to participate in the upbringing of two beautiful girls, which especially warms my heart. Father. Husband. Entrepreneur. Coach. I choose a healthy lifestyle.


In life, I focus on values ​​such as LOVE, RESPECT, HONESTY, RESPONSIBILITY and DILIGENCE.
My passion and purpose are caring for people, revolving around inspiring you to create a positive impact in the greater world by achieving your dreams.

Dream big!


What do people say about Me?

Thank you for everybody I could serve...

JUst do it

Small KEY steps, regularity and focus makes miracles.

Small steps lead to big results!

+ Allow yourself to dream! To dream BIG!

+ Know what you want the first!

+ Keeping focus!

+ Do regularly, accept mistakes and learn from these!

+ Be brave to honestly aware fears and blocks stopping you!

+ Go in with courage!

+ Note what was done. Accountability save motivation!

+ Have a plan!

+ Do first steps during 72 hours!

+ Have a fun!

How we could collaborate?

Private and groups sessions

There are some ways, we could collaborate.
If you are not sure, so book free 15 min Discovery session and get special offer. In other case you could choose more comfortable for you way:

  1. 1-to-1 private 55 min sessions during 1 month
  2. 2 months 75 min group sessions.

Sessions could happen in English, Russian or Latvian language.


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and start changing your life today!